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News and Updates


News and Updates
Everything you need to know about NEA-NM and the fight for Great Public Schools.
Stay up to date with NEA-NM with the latest news on public education in New Mexico.

The Advocate's Voice

NEA-NM’s newsletter includes important updates on education in New Mexico, and all the resources our members need to thrive.

NEA-NM Press Releases

Get more information on goings on at NEA-NM, including calls to action, position statements, event announcements, and more.
Mary Parr-Sanchez headshot
It is only through our union that we can harness our collective influence and power to protect public education and improve the lives of our fellow educators and the students we serve.
Quote by: Mary Parr-Sánchez, Ninety-eighth president of NEA-New Mexico

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What's on your mind?

We're here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (lessons, fact sheets, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We're here to support you in any way you need.