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New Mexico members marching

About NEA-NM

Advocates for students, public education, and public education employees in New Mexico
With thousands of active members across the state, NEA-NM supports equal opportunities for success for ALL NM students, and respect and support for all educators.
NEA-NM was founded in 1886 as the Territorial Education Association. Every year since, the organization has been an advocate for New Mexico Public Schools, its students, and its employees. We fight for the best possible learning conditions for children, and working conditions for teachers and other school employees. The union is thousands of members strong, and organized into local affiliates across the state. These affiliates work for members through collective bargaining and other advocacy mechanisms, while NEA-NM works to influence policy makers at the state level.

Our History

The history of the National Education Association of New Mexico (NEA-NM) covers more than twelve decades of pride and accomplishment.

Our Mission

NEA-NM actively advocates to implement and maintain the best possible learning conditions for children and working conditions for teachers and other school employees. We have championed this effort for more than one hundred years.

Our Leaders

NEA-NM conducts an annual election of its leadership. Active and retired members are eligible to vote.

Our Members

NEA-NM offers membership types for every role and responsibility within public education. Help us create Great Public Schools!

Governance & Policies

Gain a better understanding of our policies, and find out how you can play a role in our state and national direction.

Awards and Scholarships

Our union offers many opportunities for exceptional educators, school staff, and community members to be recognized and rewarded for their hard work and dedication.
Mary Parr-Sanchez headshot
It is only through our union that we can harness our collective influence and power to protect public education and improve the lives of our fellow educators and the students we serve.
Quote by: Mary Parr-Sánchez, Ninety-eighth president of NEA-New Mexico

What's Happening at NEA-NM?

Find opportunities to get involved in NEA-NM activities on the local, state, or national level

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What's on your mind?

We're here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (lessons, fact sheets, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We're here to support you in any way you need.